
Sunday, August 19, 2012

I'm Engaged!

I was reminded today in church that I am already engaged to the best person ever.  He is out of this world (literally!).  According to Jewish wedding customs, the father picks the bride for his son, the son asks permission, a price is negotiated, and paid.  Then there is a time of preparation.  The bride readies herself to be a wife and mother while the groom prepares the house for his bride.

Christ has proposed to us all.  God the Father chose the church, saved believers of Christ's message. as the bride for His Son.  Jesus left the glory of heaven and paid the ultimate price of death on the cross of Calvary for our sins, and ascended to heaven to prepare a place for His bride.  He is preparing a place for me!

I am engaged to Christ!  I accepted His proposal of love and forgiveness in March of 2001.  My relationship hasn't been easy but is growing stronger with each new day.  The best part is my bridegroom is coming back for me.  That means I must be ready for Him.  I need to prepare my heart and mind for that holy union and all that it will hold.

This gives me a whole new perspective on earthly romantic love.  I am not putting down earthly marriage at all.  It is a priority thing.  I shouldn't seek the love of a man over the love of Christ.  Christ should be first and foremost in my thoughts and life.  Until Christ is number one, any other relationship on earth will suffer.

With that, I plan to set apart some time to seek God and prepare for my groom's coming.  Christ is coming back for me.  It doesn't get any better than that.

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