
Sunday, September 25, 2016

"Thanks for Noticing"

Many of us look forward to growing up. But when we get there, we wish we were kids again with not a care in the world.  My life is not where I imagined it would be at my nearly 32 years of age.  I can paint a woe is me, "thanks for noticin'" Eeyore picture or I can paint a positive enthusiastic Tigger "that is with a T-I-double guh- ER" picture of my life right now.  It is all dependent upon my perspective and attitude.  Many days I feel like Eeyore rather than Tigger.  I feel like I am merely walking through life and existing rather than living life with purpose and impact.  It is time for me to take responsibility.  I am to be held accountable for my choices.  According to the wise Noah Webster, I am responsible-accountable to God to use the talents that He gave me.
I was able to use my talent of teaching today.  I am not sure I completely honored God due to lack of preparation.  I volunteered to substitute for a Sunday School class, but I failed to prepare till the very last minute.  I also got a tap on the shoulder this morning saying I had Children's Church.  Again, no preparation.  I thank God for the talent He gives me to teach even on the fly, but I know that God wants my best.  My best is to be prepared and passionate about what He wants me to teach.  I need to have a Tigger mindset that just oozes with confidence and enthusiasm in my own special way.  Also, whatever I don't like about my life, I have the ability to change.  It is time to make those positive choices that will get me closer to where I want to be.  I need to choose to be prompt, prepared, and passionate in anything I do.

"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."
~1 Corinthians 10:31

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