
Monday, September 7, 2009

Waiting to be Found...

This year has been interesting. It has had its moments of trials and frustrations as well as its moments of joy and gladness. I have observed through the course of this year several nuggets of truth:

  • The real meaning of love

  • The value of purity

  • The importance of God's timing

  • The blessed gift of singleness

I ran across this meaning of love in my prayer journal recently and I believe it is the truest definition for love the way God intended it to be.

Love (v) An act of the mind and the will that leads to the devoted care of something or someone. Emotion may or may NOT be involved.

Love is an action not a feeling or a buzz that one get's from being around that special someone. It is a conscious decision to care.

God opened up my eyes to the destruction of my generation's stand for purity. (It is in the local, Bible-believing churches.) True purity along with beauty have been diluted over time, and the world has been fed the watered down definitions or lies and it has destroyed many lives. I prize and protect my purity, but Satan still attacks through thoughts and other fiery darts.

God's timing is always perfect. There is no exception. He is the only one who knows what he is doing; we just have to be willing to listen and do what he wants when he wants us. I have learned the hard way that God's timing is always better than anything I could want no matter how long I wait.

Amidst it all, I found the amazing gift of singleness. Singleness to me is the flexibility to be totally available for whatever God may send your way or even send you to do. It is this freedom to be sold out for him and not have to answer back to anyone for the time being.

These are just a few things that God has shared with me this year. As I now embrace this season of singleness in my life, I will continue to reflect on love, purity, and share my experiences as I wait to be found in God's timing.

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